Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

4 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe this Australia Day

Written by Jessica Johnson | 22/01/19 4:17 PM

The biggest summer holiday has arrived: Australia Day, the national day of Australia. This year promises extra celebration: since it’s on Saturday, the national holiday falls on Monday. This gives us more time to celebrate!

What is the best part of the celebration? The parades? Fireworks? Barbeques? I am not exactly sure. But one thing I do know: my dog thinks quite differently about Australia Day than I do.

Here’s a comparison between what I think and what my dog thinks about Australia Day. Would you and your dog relate?

Me:  We celebrate annually on 26 January the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales. Every year since, our forefathers, family and friends throw celebrations which continue to grow, with bigger and better food and fireworks than the year before. The larger the firework, the bigger the bang! Good food, lots of fun – more please!


My dog: What’s that smell? BBQ, yummy! Can I have some? Maybe she won’t notice if I pull it off the table or out of the trash and…  Wait…Oh no! What’s that noise? It’s really loud. Help! Are we under attack? I need to hide!

Some dogs might not feel this way. If you have a hunting dog that goes on regular hunting trips with you, they are used to the sound of gunfire. But if you aren’t a hunter, then your dog is probably scared like my dog is at the sound of fireworks.

According to the Lost Dogs Home, Australia Day and can terrify pets because of all the fireworks. To be prepared, here are 4 Tips to keep you dog safe this Australia Day:

  1. Keep your dog home! We know you want to bring them with you. Remember, it’s hot and they can’t take off their fur coat. Not to mention: fireworks! If it's more fun with your dog, then split the day up. Take them with you in the morning, and during the afternoon, keep them in the shade and hydrated. Enjoy the parades and BBQs, but before the fireworks: take them home. 
  2. Once inside, block the sounds of the fireworks at home. Cover the sound of fireworks by keeping dogs in a middle room or interior of the house so they can't hear as much near the windows. Another trick is to leave the TV or radio on.
  3. Watch what your dog eats. Just as you will get an upset stomach if you eat something that you aren’t used to, so will your dog. Be sure your dog doesn’t eat too much or get into foods that are toxic for them including alcohol, chocolate, citrus, grapes and raisins. Often this might not be your mistake, but someone not used to having a dog around like a child or non-pet person who left their plate on the ground or a seat, the perfect level for your dog to chow down on. 
  4. Be sure your dog has their identification tags on. If they manage to get away, someone will hopefully be able to track you down if they find your dog before you do. Of course, if they are already chipped, you are covered here too. 

For more information on what to do for if your dog is lost during Australia Day, the Lost Dogs Home has developed this fact sheet, complete with contact information on where to call if your dog is lost.

Remember to have fun and be safe this Australia Day! We are all excited, just be sure to celebrate safely!


Just in case, don't forget to download the pet emergency kit. To download your copy, click the link below: