Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Benefits of Pets in the Workplace | Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Written by Jessica Johnson | 24/06/19 9:43 PM

Some companies may have celebrated National Take Your Dog to Work Day® (#NTYDWDay) like ours. This day was created by Pet Sitters International (PSI) to celebrate as a day to recognize the companies that realize our dogs are just like our kids and encourages employers to experience the joys of pets in the workplace for one day. An estimated 300 companies participated in the first #NTYDWDay 21 years ago and it only continues to grow in popularity.  

While some may not see why pets should be introduced to the workplace, others have determined how bringing pets to work helps their professional lives. There are real, proven benefits to bringing your dog or cat to work. According to the University of Southern California, pets in the workplace allow for a more positive work environment which allows for improved office morale and a healthy work-life balance. We couldn’t agree more.

Here has been our experience at Parnell Living Science, on the positive impact pets bring into our professional lives. 

Pets Reduce Stress

It is hard to be stressed out when you have your beloved dog or cat in your office or on your lap or underfoot. Both employers and employees report having pets at the workplace make them feel happier and lowers stress levels.

Pets Give Work-Life Balance

Bringing pets to the office means you can’t sit at your desk all day. According to Science Daily, office workers spend an average of 5 hours and 41 minutes per day sitting at their desk. It seems there is a correlation between people who spend more time sitting at desks and exercise. On average, office workers get less daily physical activity than they should for a healthy lifestyle. Pets force people to get up away from their desk and take their dog for a walk, for example.

Pets Help Productivity

There are several theories on how pets can increase productivity. Some believe with less time, workers are more effective. When there is an entire day at the office, the concept of unlimited time might make some spend it less effectively. When you bring your pets to the office, you realize you will not have the entire day to sit at your desk and work. Therefore, to accommodate this, employees become more focused when at your desk working.

Pets Help Build Comradery

When you know more about your co-workers, it’s easy to have stronger connections. This happens when pets enter the workplace. You have a new connection with each other’s fur-babies. Just as you know more about people when they talk about their family members, when you get to pet their fur-babies, you are more connected as a group. This comradery makes for a better work environment for employees.

Pet Sitters International created this awesome graphic on how to have a successful celebration of #NTYDWDay. It’s a great list of things to remember how to prepare for bring pets to the office.

Even if you missed the opportunity for the national day this year, plan for the next year! Or make your own holiday at your office!