Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Glyde Helps Rottie with Hip & Elbow Dysplasia

Written by Jessica Johnson | 23/06/20 9:43 PM

We were thrilled to receive this testimonial from Zoe about her adorable dog, Ruben. Rottweilers are part of the giant breed of dog. Because of their size, Rotties are more susceptible to joint issues such as hip or elbow dysplasia and osteoarthritis. Many dogs will show signs as they age, but there are some that show early signs. Unfortunately for Ruben, they were dealing with mobility issues even before Rueben was a year of age.

Thanks to a combination of therapy and Glyde® Mobility Chews, Ruben is doing much better. We are so pleased to have him as a #GlydeDog. Here is their story!

“Ruben is a 2.5 year old Rottweiler cross who presented with limping and just 4 months old. We thought it was just rough puppy play, so rested him with some pain relief. Although, it was a persistent limp that we investigated to be Elbow Dysplasia in his front left and Hip Dysplasia in both back hips. This was all done around 10 months old.

Since then he has been on a good quality food, Zydax injections when needed and he was on [a competitor’s supplement in capsule form]. I think it helped, but he didn’t love taking them. We also intermittently was giving him [Name of NSAID brand] as an anti-inflammatory pain relief.

About 3 months ago I switched him to Glyde Mobility Chews and he takes them as a treat and in combination with starting Hydrotherapy and a new food he has been a lot happier and bouncier. He wants to go for longer walks and I haven’t given him [NSAID] as a pain relief for about 6 months now. We are pleased with the product!”

— Zoe


Don't forget to check out our post on  What You Need to Know About Hip & Elbow Dysplasia for all you need to know about this illness in dogs which affects their mobility.