Many of us have New Year's resolutions that include getting more exercise and movement. Here is a reason to accomplish that goal: January is National Walk Your Dog Month! This means it is time to get out the door and walk the dog!
There are so many different reasons to choose this month as Walk Your Dog Month. Unfortunately, some people suffer from post-holiday blues. Many of us have come off the “holiday hangover” where we shop, eat and celebrate the holidays. Then in January, there are not as many reasons for celebration. This is the perfect opportunity to get out and exercise. We all know we have a very willing participant to go with us: THE DOG!
Amazingly, according to the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention, 56% of dogs are obese. In humans, there are many consequences for being obese including, lack of energy which means an increase in lethargy. The health consequences include sore and inflamed joints which mean arthritis is setting in, as well as more serious health issues. The exact same is true for dogs!
To combat these health issues, get back on track and enjoy the beautiful weather for January's Walk Your Dog Month!
Many health professionals suggest committing to 30-minute walks every day to maintain good health. Start slow and work your way up. Then increase as you can. You will see tremendous health benefits for both you and your dog. And you may even meet some friends doing the same thing.
If your dog is not interested in walking outside, there may be another issue. Possibly, they like the cool temperature inside better than the heat (yes, we spoil our dogs!). Or, they have a joint problem. One of the top dog health problems is arthritis in dogs. As joints age, they get stiff and sore, especially with extra activity. The good news is there are things you can do to help your dog.
First, take our easy quiz to see how your dog is doing by clicking on the red button link below:
The best way to protect your fur-baby’s joints, and ensure maximum playtime is to make sure you are providing vital nutrients for their joints. Glyde® Mobility Chews provides your dog with essential, natural ingredients to promote joint health. Glyde is the only joint supplement with three proven key ingredients to relieve the painful signs of arthritis: glucosamine, chondroitin and, the power of New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel (GLM). GLM is what makes us different as it is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, helps improve joint function, and is one of nature’s best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.
For more tips, check out this post about Hot Weather Tips to keep your dogs safe when they are outside in warmer temperatures.
Now get on out there, no matter the temperature! It’s a great time to celebrate January’s Walk Your Dog Month!