Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Labrador Retrievers | Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Written by Jessica Johnson | 7/02/23 11:11 PM

We are excited to spotlight one of our favourite breeds this month: the Labrador Retriever. Here's all you need to know about Labs including what is special about them, why we love about them and how they are affected by arthritis. The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Check it out and learn about Labs! 


Who doesn’t love a Labrador Retriever? No one! Why? Because it’s the #1 most popular dog breed in the world - with the highest population in Australia. UK, USA, and Canada! For the past 5 years, the AKC, dog breed experts, has named the Lab as the top dog in the nation, out of over 190 different dog breeds. Here’s why we think they are the top dog:

Most Attractive Dog

Simply put, the Lab is the most beautifully built sporting dog. They have a dense weather-resistant coat and their friendly eyes and floppy ears give them earnest expressions to fall in love with. They exude confidence and loyalty with their distinguished looks. Plus, they have a variety to their beauty: coloring in yellow, black, and chocolate.

It is easy to fall in love with Labs. Need proof? Labrador Retriever puppies (enough said):


Most Athletic Dog


They are top dogs for good reason: Labs are the perfect dogs for just about anyone, ranging from hunters who need endurance, to families with children and those who need assistance. They are athletic, so active people are drawn to Labradors as partners in whatever activity they might like from running, swimming and park activities.

Friendliest dog

If want a dog who is faithful and friendly with unconditional love, this is also the Labrador Retriever. You can see it in those eyes!

Most intelligent and helpful dog

The Lab is often the dog of choice for a wide variety of therapy dogs. It is in the instinct of a Lab to be helpful. They are willing and highly trainable to become excellent guide dogs.

Less work than other dogs

Labradors are very easygoing. They do not usually require going to the dog groomer, simply bathe them often and they are taken care of. Labs also do not bark as much as other dogs. They also love other animals, so homes with other dogs or cats can easily introduce the Lab into their home.

Top Health Problems of Labradors

Still adorable and loveable, there are over 50 Labrador mixed breeds which attempt to take the best characteristics of each breed. This also means some of the health risks of each breeds need to be considered.

All dog breeds have health problems, Labs are no different. These are not drawbacks to having a Lab, just things to consider to keep them in tip-top shape.

  1. Joint Problems. Because of their large build and athleticism, many Labradors suffer from joint problems. This especially affects the hip and elbow joints, which is called hip or elbow dysplasia. This causes pain and impacts mobility of Labs, especially as they age.
  2. Osteoarthritis, or arthritis. Because of the joint problems they have, Labs are at-risk for osteoarthritis. They are on the ‘Very High Risk’ section of the risk chart because of their size and weight. Check out all the risk factors, and the other dogs that join the Labrador on the chart.
  3. Because Labradors love to eat just about anything, this impacts their health when their waistline expands. Be sure to check your food of choice recommendation charts and follow it appropriately. Avoid giving your Labrador too much people food some are dangerous, while others are simply too oily and fatty for dogs. Keeping your Lab active outside will also help keep your dog’s weight in check.


Prevention is always better than a Cure

It’s always best to prevent problems, rather than fix them afterward. Labs can start to slow down sooner than expected due to joint pain or arthritis. Help relieve these signs safely and naturally by adding a joint supplement to their diet.

Here’s how to stay on top of these health-related problems in Labrador Retrievers.  

  1. Prevent signs of arthritis before they start! Joint supplements can promote joint health and cartilage development which keep dogs active and youthful, longer. Learn what to look for in joint supplements for your dog.
  2. If your Labrador is over age 5, consider starting them a joint supplement as cartilage improvement can be seen in most labs with a daily dose. 
  3.  Of course, make sure your dog is still active to help their joints work better. This includes regular walking and playing with your dog. A great opportunity to go to the dog park!
  4. Keep the weight down for good health of your Lab. The heavier the dog, the more pressure on their joints. Every bit of exercise and proper feeding amounts will help as they age.


Glyde Mobility Chews

Parnell Living Science are the experts on osteoarthritis (OA) of arthritis in dogs and cats. We created a unique formula with key anti-inflammatory ingredients to combat the signs of aging. Glyde uses natural, gluten-free ingredients to promote healthy joints to let your dog do everything he or she loves to do!  Glyde is the only nutraceutical that contains proven levels of three key components that work to relieve the painful signs of arthritis.

Glyde's proven formula has all-natural ingredients and high levels of glucosamine and chondroitin, plus Green Lipped Mussel (GLM). The proven levels of these key ingredients are what makes the formula unique:


Walden’s Story


We love when we hear from our customers. We have lots of great news from them. Here’s Fiona and Walden’s story. They had a great experience with Glyde.

“I thought you may be interested in a very quick positive impact Glyde had on my dog, Walden. Only 5 years old, I bought it recently, to help his mobility as tere was obvious arthritis in his shoulder. As in previous experience of use: it helped enormously.

It worked so well that I stopped giving it to Walden, thinking he was simply better. After awhile, I noticed the limping and slow movements returned. So I started again and found within a couple days of using it at the loading dose, it virtually eliminated the shoulder pain.

It is truly a fantastic product!”

- Fiona

Labrador Retrievers are great dogs for many reasons. Be sure to keep them happy, healthy and active as they age for a long life full of opportunities for the entire family! As we celebrate our Labrador Retrievers, give yours lots of love and affection!