Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Louie the Beagle Better Hips with Glyde

Written by Jessica Johnson | 7/06/22 10:06 PM

We were so glad to receive this information from Jacqui, on a bill of good health from Louie the adorable beagle, after Louie suffered from hip dysplasia at a very young age. It seems this adorable beagle had some health issues from early on, and thankfully, Glyde Mobility Chews helped tremendously. They included high detailed veterinarian records, which confirmed what she had said below. Check out what Jacqui sent about her #GlydeDog! She told us all about Louie, and her enthusiasm for our product because of how it improved her dog, makes our heart soar. She said:

"We are absolutely convinced of the benefits and comfort that Glyde is clearly providing to Louie."


Check out the bottom of this post for more information about beagles and hip dysplasia!

Here is what Jacqui sent us:

"Louie was singled out as having a “clicky-hip” on his first visit to the vet at 8 weeks. At 6 months X-rays identified suspected dysplasia in both hips. By this time that we started to notice Louie often suffering from “dead-leg” and limping after a sleep.

By 9 months, Louie was referred to a vet specializing in hip dysplasia. Further x-rays identified dysplasia in both hips.
The vet suggested hip-replacement surgery would be necessary but suggested that to provide immediate comfort we should start Louie on Glyde supplements.

Louie was then referred to a veterinary surgical hospital, but by the time our appointment came around he was responding so positively to the Glyde supplements that surgery was put on hold.

Louie stayed on Glyde for about 12 months without signs of lameness or pain. We then ran out of Glyde and within a couple of weeks his lameness had returned. We also found him often chewing at his foot which I believe was him reacting to referred pain in his legs.

We watched Louie closely for a couple of further weeks and it was clear that he was more regularly exhibiting lameness and there were signs of pain. On one walk I was so concerned that I thought he had dislocated his leg. We immediately put Louie back onto the Glyde and within a couple of weeks he was back to his normal self.

Louie has recently (as part of a 12-month review) undergone 2 MRIs to review his current state. His surgeon enquired as to what painkillers we are using to manage Louie’s condition and was surprised that he is not on medication. (Hint: Louie was using Glyde!)  The hospital noted from the MRIs less than expected osteoarthritis and agrees that the Glyde is playing a significant role in managing his Louie’s condition.

We are so convinced that Glyde is what is keeping Louie on his feet and running in the park like every other 2-year old dog, that we have offered this story and offered Louie to be available as a case study for the benefits of Glyde. We absolutely convinced of the benefits and comfort that Glyde is clearly providing to Louie."


-- Jacqui, Louie's mum


Thanks to Jacqui for this amazing story about Louie the Beagle! We are thrilled Louie responded so well to our all-natural treatment. Beagle are very active dogs, so it is not unusual they would get hip dysplasia. However, at the age Louie was, it was surprising. Be sure to check out our information about beagles and hip dysplasia below. 


Beagles: Loving, Loyal and at Risk for Arthritis

What is Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia in Dogs?