Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Small Dogs Need Glyde Too! | Parnell Paws Blog - Australia

Written by Jessica Johnson | 30/10/18 9:49 PM

Often the focus is on larger breeds when you hear about osteoarthritis (OA), because they are on the high and very high risk factor category due to their size. Some would not suspect small dogs can be at risk, but they certainly can be. Age is also a factor, finding 80% of dogs over the age of 8 and 20% over the age of 1 will suffer from OA, or the more common term of arthritis. 

Even small dogs like Teddy, this adorable Chihuahua, can benefit from the power of Glyde® Powder for Dogs. We were pleased to receive this note from Yvonne, about her #GlydeDog, and hear the results they were able to see.  

“Teddy is our 9-year-old neutered, male Chihuahua who has had knee issues since he was a pup. Thankfully, this never caused any significant problems. But this past winter, I noticed he was reluctant to run up steps and seemed to be getting stiff when getting up. He wasn’t his typical peppy self.

We started Teddy on Glyde Powder, adding it to his food. Within a week of starting Glyde, he was back to his spritely self! We have now been 6 weeks into it, and through winter. Teddy is behaving like a bouncy puppy again!

Not only does Glyde have visible results, but I have had no issues with feeding it to Teddy! He loves the taste. All around, it is a great product and I highly recommend it!"

 -- Yvonee