Parnell Paws Blog - Glyde Mobility Chews - U.S.

10 Ways to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday

Written by Jessica Johnson | August 1, 2023


Birthdays are a great way to celebrate those we adore most! Here in our office at Parnell Living Science, many of us on the team have summer birthdays and we’ve been enjoying celebrating all month in the office. In August, we celebrate the birthday of Glyde™ Mobility Chews! Plus, August 1 is "DOGust," which is the official day to celebrate your adopted dog's birthday, if you don't know the actual date of their birthday. Whether you are throwing a dog-themed birthday or celebrating your dog’s birthday, here are some ideas you can use to spoil those you love: dogs or humans, or even both! Plus, get a FREE downloadable birthday sign for your dog here in this post! Read on for more!

  1. Simple approach: Pamper your Pooch

If you want your dog to feel special, pamper them and make know how special they are. Just wake up and start with lots of praise, petting, a take your fur-baby for a brisk walk outside to give them their fill of good scents to smell.  You can go a step further and buy them a special treat. Take plenty of photos and post it on your favorite social media.

  1. Host a Dog Party

We hosted a doggie party for our dog, Luna. We invited all of our doggie cousins! Hilarity ensues when you have all the dogs together. Unfortunately, it was hard to get them all to sit patiently for doggie photos. We had 5 dogs in attendance. How do the dog trainers do it? I don't know, but for us, this was as good as it got. I am not sure who had more fun, the guests or the hosts!

  1. Host a Dog-Themed Party

Because we are dog lovers, a dog-themed party is a perfect way to celebrate any human birthday.  A few items from the store and you have yourself a party! Or make your own, like this doggie cake below. This is one of our family's favorite cakes, which featured a picture of all of our doggie cousins for a birthday. 


  1. Dog Party Hollywood-style


Is your dog one that pays attention to the television when there is a dog? Here is a hilarious video of dogs watching television. Mine never did. But it never stopped me from watching a great movie with dogs in it! “Dogs vs. Cats” was one of our favorites. Check your favorite streaming app for the best dog or cat movies you have available! 

  1. Find a Special Toy


Take your dog to the local pet store like the pet parent of this Golden Retriever did. It’s so cute! While this wouldn’t work for my beagle, she’d be everywhere sniffing other dogs, and people, trying to get into the dog food… It does seem to work for a non-hound breed like this Golden Retriever.

  1. Bake a Special Treat

If you feel like cooking, your dog is a willing participant of tasty foods from your kitchen. Be sure to find dog-friendly recipes or take them to your favorite local “barkery” restaurant. Or, just pick something fun up at your favorite pet store. We found this adorable birthday dog biscuit at our local PetSmart!

  1. Take your dog shopping

When people want to take their dogs shopping, most will think of taking them to pet stores. Did you know there were several other stores that allow pets? Huffington Post wrote about pet-friendly stores which allow your dog to enter. They say it’s always good to call ahead, as some stores may vary depending on the manager.

  1. Get a new Pet Item for the house

Some things are not considered gifts when you receive them. But they are needed and still a thoughtful gift. I’d put a new vacuum cleaner or toaster on that list. That’s not a gift for me, but something the whole family will enjoy. The same goes with a new dog leash, collar or bed for your dog. If your dog needs something, this is the time to get it.

  1. Drive through treat

There are several drive-in restaurants that offer your dog something free of charge. We frequent our favorite ice cream restaurant and get a “pup cup” for our dog. They get to enjoy a cold, tasty treat with us!

  1. Play their favorite game

Is it fetch with a ball or toy? Is it taking a run or walk somewhere? Is it hide and go seek? Whatever your dog likes to do, do it on their special day!

Glyde Mobility chews

At Parnell Living Science, the makers of Glyde™ Mobility Chews, it is our mission to discover, develop and deliver the best veterinary pharmaceutical solutions for family pets around the world. Glyde is a joint supplement with key ingredients to help keep your dog active and youthful as they age. Glyde uses natural, gluten-free, naturally sustainable ingredients to promote healthy joints that let your fur-baby do everything he or she loves to do!  Glyde is the only nutraceutical that contains proven levels of three key components that work to relieve the painful signs of arthritis.

No prescription is needed.

Free DOwnloadable dog Birthday Sign 

Are you looking for a fun, creative sign to print out for your dog party? Here it is! Simply click, download, print and personalize for your dog! If you use it, please be sure to tag us on your favorite social media! We'll be sure to share the images you send or share with us! 



What do you do to celebrate your dog's birthday? Dog birthdays are as much fun for the dogs as they are for us! If you take some photos, please share them with us on our Facebook page or our social channels! Happy birthday to all the dogs we love out there!