Parnell Paws Blog - Glyde Mobility Chews - U.S.

Dolly Greets Us at the Door

Written by Jessica Johnson | August 14, 2018

David wrote to us recently about their fur-baby, Dolly, who had a serious injury. They were surprised to see Dolly bounce back as much as she did thanks, in part, with the help of Glyde™ Mobility Chews.

“Right before our little girl, Dolly, turned 7-years-old, she was partially paralyzed due to a disk injury. It was awful. For a while, she was not able to walk or get up without assistance.  As part of her treatment, our veterinarian recommended the addition of Glyde to help with her mobility.  At this point, we were carrying her up and down the stairs and lifting her onto the couch on a daily basis. They said then she may only have a partial recovery and she would never be an active dog. 

We gave her the loading dosage, and then regular dosing for a month. Honestly, we saw improvements every day. Now she uses the stairs and run around again on her own, with no help from us. She even is there to greet us at the door when we get home. She is back to being Dolly! I believe she knows how much it helps because in the morning she sits and waits for her Glyde. It’s not breakfast she won’t leave without – it’s her Glyde!”