Parnell Paws Blog - Glyde Mobility Chews - U.S.

Et Tu Brutus? Small Dogs Need Glyde Too

Written by Jessica Johnson | October 14, 2019

Et tu Brutus? is appropriate here... even small dogs have joint issues as they age. Here's how Glyde™ Mobility Chews helped this adorable little Brutus get back to his youth.

If you have a smaller dog, you may still have joint problems. Unfortunately, arthritis in dogs can affect any type of breed, any size of breed and even at any age. We received this testimonial from Jacqui about her adorable little Brutus. Brutus was a combination of a low-risk breed and a medium risk breed: Pug and a Cavalier Spaniel. You can check out the breed chart at the bottom of this post to see where your dog's breed is on the arthritis chart. 

However, it seems that for Brutus, even though he was smaller, he still needed help overcoming joint issues. We are so pleased to hear how he did so well thanks to Glyde Mobility Chews. Here is their story: 

"I have a 10-year-old pug x Cavalier named Brutus. He has just recently started on Glyde chews. Before using this product he was having some trouble rising from bed and jumping up our stairs. But he is now running around again like he’s a puppy. He also loves the chews and takes them like a treat each day."

— Jacqui