Parnell Paws Blog - Glyde Mobility Chews - U.S.

Snickers Is Not a Senior

Written by Jessica Johnson | November 13, 2018

Do not call Snickers a senior dog. Yes, November is “National Celebrate Senior Pets Month.” But this story is not about a senior pet, but about Snickers in her “golden years.” Like most Labradors, Snickers had some mobility issues. It goes with the territory of being a large breed. Here’s Snickers story, according to her doggie mom, Sandra.

“Snickers was not yet 7 and we noticed she was not moving as easily as before. Her veterinarian said she was getting into her senior years and we should try a joint supplement to help. We tried other joint supplements, and even pain medications to help her aching joints in hopes to see better mobility for her. It wasn’t doing what we had hoped. Then, our veterinarian discovered Glyde and recommended it for us.

When we started it, I noticed within a few doses she was doing things she hadn’t done awhile before. She had more bounce and energy and was more playful. The good news is she loves the taste and gladly takes her Glyde every evening. I love the fact that I was able to take her completely off pain medications because of Glyde. The pain meds were tough on her stomach, so we were thrilled to no longer need these!

This is a great product! I recommend it to anyone with pets in their golden years! Notice we didn’t call her a senior. Mainly because we believe these years are going to be the best with our Snickers. She may be getting older, but she doesn’t have to act like it! We are happy Snickers is a #GlydeDog!”


 -- Sandra


For black Labradors, golden years can begin around age 7 because Labradors are in the very high-risk category for Osteoarthritis (OA), or arthritis in dogs, due to their larger size. The most common health problem for Labs is joint problems. Some Labs suffer from hip or elbow dysplasia, which prevent normal movement and cause pain and immobility.

OA is manageable when you keep your Lab at a healthy weight, eating good food and adding a supplement with the nutrients designed to improve joint function, such as with Glyde Mobility Chews.