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Holistic Pet: Top 5 Holistic Treatments for Dogs

Written by Jessica Johnson | August 22, 2023

This month, on August 30, there is a movement to celebrate National Holistic Pet Day. With more and more people thinking openly about holistic treatments rather than the traditional approaches of the past, the industry of human health care is often a popular topic of conversation. It is also a time to reflect on how you can have a holistic approach to keeping your dog happy and healthy, just as it can for you. We will check out a list from a national organization at the top answers they received on their survey of living holistically with their pets. Read on for ideas on how to celebrate National Holistic Day with your dog.

HALO, a pet dog food recently surveyed its pet parents on how to live holistically with their dogs. They asked 700 pet parents, a majority of them dog owners what they do for holistic living. Here are a few of their answers:

  • 78% of pet parents exercise regularly with their dogs.
  • 49% use all-natural supplements for skin, coat, joints and digestive care.
  • 44% take their dogs in for dental care.
  • 47% use natural products for their shampoo and grooming.
  • 55% play mind-stimulating activities and games with their dogs.
  • 2% take their dogs to Doga (Dog + Yoga) events.

Check out the full survey results here

Top Holistic Treatments for Pain in Dogs

As you know, our dogs are with us for fewer years than we prefer, and many of us will often outlive them. The best thing to do if you know if your dog is in pain is to treat the pain as quickly as possible. Pet parents are often researching how to naturally ease their dog’s sufferings from a specific ailment to not just avoid pain but help them feel as good as possible. Holistic treatments and natural remedies might be sought out to help with recovery from surgeries, joint injuries, and diseases such as cancer and even osteoarthritis. Here are the top holistic treatments we all should know about: 

Canine Massage

This is exactly what you think it is! Massage encourages healing by relaxing muscles and relieving stress. The benefit of this is that you could do it yourself. Then it becomes a great bonding experience between you and your dog and it feels good for you both. Another benefit to dog massage is that you will quickly learn where the sore and swollen spots are on your dog and are able to see if you can improve them with a massage. A quick Google search will help you find the benefits and massage pressure points on your dog. Be sure to listen to your fur-baby’s cues if they don’t like it, don’t push it.

Canine Chiropractic Care

Pet parents take their dogs to a veterinary chiropractor for similar reasons people go to a chiropractor. Simply put, if a body is out of alignment, this can cause pressure on joints and muscles until it is put back in place by a chiropractor. There are over 100 different chiropractic ways to treat dogs, depending on the specific training the chiropractor has. Canine chiropractors should be certified as a chiropractor and the canine license is often received in a post-graduate program affiliated with the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association.   The best thing to do is see if there is a chiropractor affiliated with your animal clinic or ask your veterinarian if they have one to recommend.

Canine Acupuncture  

This is also exactly what you think it is!  Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into specific points in the dog’s body to produce healing. This is especially good for arthritis or nerve injuries. This is a unique service often available through specialty clinics certified in acupuncture treatment. The American Veterinary Medical Association considers this to be part of the veterinarian's medical and surgical practice. This means the acupuncturist should be a licensed veterinarian. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation if they do not have someone on staff that practices acupuncture.


Hydrotherapy for dogs is a therapeutic approach that involves using water to aid in the rehabilitation, fitness, and overall well-being of canines. It utilizes controlled water environments such as pools or underwater treadmills to provide a low-impact exercise and healing experience for dogs recovering from injuries, surgeries, or chronic conditions. The buoyancy of water reduces stress on joints and supports the dog's weight, making it an ideal option for rehabilitation without putting excessive strain on their bodies. Qualified hydrotherapists work closely with veterinarians to develop tailored hydrotherapy plans for each dog, considering their specific needs and medical history. The therapy sessions are closely monitored to ensure the dog's safety and progress.

Joint Supplements

Joint supplements are a holistic solution for dogs with arthritis. They contain natural ingredients like glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids, supporting joint health and reducing inflammation. Unlike pharmaceutical medications, they have fewer side effects and offer gradual, long-term benefits by nourishing joint tissues. Joint supplements can be used alongside other therapies, are easy to administer, and are often recommended by vets for their safety and effectiveness.

There are a variety of supplements on the market that can help with recovery for dogs. Glyde™ Mobility Chews can help dogs overcome the painful symptoms of arthritis. Glydebcombines glucosamine, chondroitin, and green-lipped mussel for a holistic benefit to your dog's joint health.

Together, they nourish joints, reduce pain, and promote mobility. This holistic approach addresses the root causes of joint discomfort and enhances your dog's overall well-being. also can also help speed the recovery from joint-related issues or injuries. Glyde has a powerful combination of ingredients to bring back the active life of your dog.

Hopefully, this quick review of the top holistic approaches gives you some additional ideas on things to try if your dog needs more help overcoming health obstacles. Because you are just like us: we know life is short with our dogs, so let’s be sure they are as happy, healthy, and mobile for as long as possible!