Border Collie Mix Stays Active with Glyde

4/04/23 5:32 PM


It's Active Dog Month and we are celebrating with Karen and her adorable dog Sam. Her dog is a Border Collie mix, which is a very active dog breed. With active dogs, their mobility and ability to run and play is very important, it's part of the dog they love to be. Border collies are medium-sized dogs, but due to the amount they run and jump, the impact on their joints can catch up with them and turn into signs of arthritis. Karen saw how Sam was suffering from arthritis and it was slowing her beloved dog down. We were pleased to hear how Glyde® Mobility Chews helped Sam bounce back to being active again now that he is a #GlydeDog. Read more about their story. 

Here is the note Karen sent us about her dog using Glyde for only a few weeks:

"Sam is an 11-year-old Koolie x Border Collie with bad arthritis in his hips and shoulders. He has always been a very active dog, but his activity level has been slowly declining over the last couple of years. He has been on Glyde chews for 8 weeks now and we have already noticed a marked increase in his level of activity and comfort with movement. We think Glyde is an excellent product."

— Karen, Koolie's Mum

The risk for arthritis in dogs can happen at any age, but the risk increases each year. There will be 4 out of 5 dogs suffering from arthritis by the time they turn 8 years old. However, some dogs may have it much earlier, even before they turn age 1. This is often because their joints may be bothering them more. A shocking fact about arthritis in dogs is often, our dogs get this painful joint disease earlier than expected. This is because dogs are so active in their younger years, the wear and tear on their joints happens until they start to feel the stress. Here's what we know: 

Arthritis in dogs



For more information about arthritis in dogs, check out this blog post

The good news is there is something you can do about arthritis in dogs. Just as Karen did, try Glyde Mobility Chews to see how they can help your dog. Because #GlydeDogs are #ActiveDogs! 

Learn about Arthritis in Dogs