Parnell Paws Blog - Glyde Mobility Chews - U.S.

15 Dog Facts and Myth-Busters

Written by Jessica Johnson | March 14, 2018

If you are reading this article, you are a dog-lover. Now that you know who you are, here’s who we are. Parnell Living Science is an animal health company that loves dogs just as much as you. It is our mission to improve the lives of dogs and dog owners. We are always learning more about dogs and how they make our lives better. Here are some interesting facts you may not know.

  1. Today, there are more dogs than children at home. According to the 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, there are 89.7 million dogs that live in U.S. households. When you look at the recent U.S. Census, there are 73.7 million children under the age of 18 living with families at home.
  2. Pet parents live longer. Time Magazine wrote about a recent study through Scientific Reports that showed owning a dog leads to a longer life. Read the article for additional theories on how having a dog can keep you healthy longer.
  3. We love sleeping with dogs. By far the majority of dogs sleep with their owners. According to the American Kennel Club, 45% of dogs reportedly sleep in their pet parent’s bed..
  4. Cold? Snuggle with your dog! Dogs are naturally hot-blooded. A normal dog temperature is between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which to our normal temperature of 98 degrees can feel really good on a cold winter night.
  5. If you can’t smell it, the dog can. A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 – 100,000 times sharper than an adult’s sense of smell.
  6. You didn’t hear anything? Your dog did. A dog can hear at 8,000 Hertz while a human can hear at 2,000 Hz. This means dogs are able to hear sound four times the distance away than humans can.
  7. Dogs can see color. There were many myths that dogs could only see black and white. Now we know that dogs can see blue, green-yellow, yellow and various shades of gray. The colors they see may not be as vivid, but they see more than simply black and white.
  8. Don’t chase the dog, you’ll never catch them. Remember, they have four legs so they can always run faster than you. The fastest breed of dog is the Greyhound, which can run up to 44 miles per hour. There are several breeds build for speed.
  9. Large breeds are big and surprisingly well-tempered animals. Often great family pets, the largest breeds come in over 100 pounds and include Great Danes, Mastiffs and St. Bernards.
  10. Tall, grey and beautiful Irish Wolfhounds are the tallest breed, at 30 – 35 inches tall.
  11. Humans have fingerprints; dogs have noses. No two are alike!
  12. Dogs are really smart. Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures.
  13. Dogs can also interpret information through their keen understanding of human behavior. By being attentive to their pet parents, they instinctively know what we plan to do. This is why the dog gets excited for a walk before you had the chance to say anything.
  14. “Please, just go already,” said every pet owner ever! But it’s not that easy, research found that dogs just can’t walk outside and go to the bathroom immediately. They have a “poop compass” that aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field which helps them find their perfect place to poop. It depends on the dog if they prefer facing the north or south.
  15. The best part of a dog is the companionship. The worst part is they don’t live nearly long enough. The average lifespan of a dog is 10 to 14 years.

There are so many more interesting facts about dogs. Look for more interesting facts to come. As a dog lover, you know how important it is for dogs to be healthy and happy while they are here with us. Be sure to take your dog to their favorite veterinarian for regular visits to ensure they are as healthy as they can be.

One way you can help your dog stay at optimum health is to keep your dog moving and active as much as possible, for as long as possible. Take the arthritis quiz to see if your dog is at risk might be based on their breed and weight.

Pet parents may not know that dogs could have signs of arthritis as early as 1 year old and 80% of dogs over age 8 will show signs of arthitis. Glyde™ Mobility Chews are one way to help. Learn more about arthritis in dogs.