4 Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe this Fourth of July

June 27, 2024

The biggest summer holiday is fast approaching: the Fourth of July. It is always an exciting time to celebrate independence and enjoy fireworks, but it can also be a stressful and potentially dangerous time for our furry friends. Dogs are often sensitive to loud noises and bright lights, making fireworks displays a source of anxiety and distress. Read on for more information and be sure to check out our Fourth of July infographic to share!

Some dogs might not feel this way. If you have a hunting dog that goes on regular hunting trips with you, they are used to the sound of gunfire. But if you aren’t a hunter, then your dog is probably scared like my dog is at the sound of fireworks.

According to the American Humane Society, July 5 is the busiest day for animal shelters because so many dogs get scared and run away or get lost during the July 4 celebration.

Some prep work will help your dog feel great this 4th of July. One of the best things you can do is as early as possible, give them LOTS of love and attention earlier in the day. If you are going out for the 4th of July, make sure your dog is exercised earlier in the day so they will be tired out from a fun walk in the morning with you, or a trip to the dog park. 

Planning ahead can help make the day better for your pet. Before fireworks season begins, speak with your veterinarian to discuss the best options for your pet, including anti-anxiety products. There are also some additional ways to be sure your dog stays happy, healthy and safe this Fourth of July. 

4 Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe this Fourth of July

happy 4th from the dog

To ensure the safety and well-being of your dog during this holiday, here are four important ways to keep them safe. 

Safe Tip #1: Keep your dog at home, Create a safe place 

I know you want to bring them with you. But it’s hot and they can’t take off their fur coat. Not to mention fireworks! We know you love taking your dog everywhere, but this is a really good day to leave them safely at home. Find a quiet, secure area in your home where your dog can retreat to during the fireworks. This can be a crate, a room, or any space where your dog feels comfortable. Close the windows, draw the curtains, provide their cozy bed, some familiar toys, and even an item of your clothing with your scent can offer a sense of security.

Safe Tip #2: Watch what your dog eats

Just as you will get an upset stomach if you eat something that you aren’t used to, so will your dog. Be sure your dog doesn’t eat too much in the form of treats or get into foods that are toxic for them including alcohol, chocolate, citrus, grapes and raisins. Often this might not be your mistake, but someone not used to having a dog around like a child or non-pet person who left their plate on the ground or a seat, the perfect level for your dog to reach.

Safe Tip #3: Keep Your Dog Inside During Fireworks

One of the most crucial steps to keeping your dog safe is to keep them indoors during the fireworks. Even if your dog doesn't typically display fear or anxiety, loud noises and bright lights can cause them to panic and try to escape. Ensure all doors, windows, and gates are securely closed to prevent any potential escape attempts. It's also advisable to keep them on a leash or harness when taking them outside for bathroom breaks, as sudden noises can startle them and cause them to bolt. Cover the sound of fireworks by keeping dogs in a middle room on the first level or basement of the house so they can't hear as much from the windows. Another trick is to turn on the TV and leave it on. You may want to have the volume high so they hear that more than the sound of fireworks.

Safe Tip #4: Be Sure to have your ID tags on Your Dog

In case your furry friend takes off, it's important to have identification tags on them so that if someone finds them before you do, they can contact you. ID tags are a simple and effective way to provide crucial information about your dog and ensure their safe return. These tags typically include your dog's name, your phone number, and any other relevant contact information.

If your dog is already microchipped, you have an added layer of protection. A microchip is a tiny electronic device, about the size of a grain of rice, implanted under your dog's skin. Each microchip has a unique identification number that is registered with your contact information. If your dog is lost and brought to a veterinary clinic, shelter, or animal control agency, they can scan the microchip to retrieve your information and reunite you with your beloved pet.

Regularly check the information on your dog's ID tags and microchip registration to ensure they are up to date. If you have recently changed your phone number or address, it's important to update this information promptly. Having accurate and current contact details is crucial for a swift reunion in case your dog goes missing.

Remember, if you have any concerns about your dog's behavior or anxiety during fireworks, you can always consult with your veterinarian, who can provide valuable guidance and assistance tailored to your pet's specific needs.

This 4th of July, celebrate the holiday while also being mindful of your furry friend's well-being. By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure that your dog has a safe and comfortable experience, allowing everyone in the family to enjoy the festivities to the fullest.

Here's a fun downloadable you can check out and share with family and friends so they have these tips too!


4th of July Safety Tips for Dogs (FBPost)


No matter what you do, we hope you and your beloved fur-baby have a safe and happy 4th of July!


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