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7 Ways to Be a Responsible Pet Owner [Updated & Infographic]

Written by Jessica Johnson | February 21, 2023

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month! There really isn’t a definition of what a “Responsible Pet Owner” is, but if you are reading this post, we can guess you are a Responsible Pet Owner. 

This seemed like a good opportunity to review our best pet parent practices and enhance and improve where the opportunity presents itself. Check out this list to make sure you are doing all you can do to be a responsible pet owner as well as have a great cooperative relationship with your pets, your family and the environment. We've provided a visual checklist as well as some points you need to know. Get all you need with helpful links to give you some more information at your fingertips.

 7 tips for being a responsible pet owner [Infographic]:

Those are 7 solid tips you can count on. But there are so many more. Here are some additional tips:


Love your dog unconditionally

Most of us do this already. Try to make it a daily priority. Get outside with your dog. Play with your dog. Teach them a trick. Give them a treat. Show them affection because their whole world revolves around you and no matter what, they want to please you. You have many people in your world. Your dog only has you and those in your home. So make time for them to feel loved and appreciated for all the JOY they bring to your life. Offer a few "good dog!" pats on the head, snuggle them, pet them and even an occasional treat for being a part of your family! 

Add Dental Care to Your Dog's Grooming Routine

February is also National Pet Dental Health Month. It was created by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)  to highlight how important oral health is to the overall health of your dog. If you don’t brush your pet’s teeth every day, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that only 2% of dog owners brush their dog’s teeth daily despite recommendations from veterinarians to do so. Try to make good dental hygiene part of your responsible pet ownership ritual. If you haven't, you can always check with your veterinarian on how to improve their dental health now and in the future.

Plan for emergencies

No one expects emergencies, but they do happen. They say if you plan the unexpected, you are further ahead in a time of crisis. If you think things through, you will be more prepared.

Clean up after your pet

You walk your dog, your dog makes a mess, clean up after them! We know this is one of the worst things about being a pet parent. But really, doing this step is important for many reasons.

Take the arthritis quiz

Arthritis in dogs is one of the biggest dog health issues, and many of us don't even realize it. We go about our business every day and may not realize our dogs are slowing down due to achy joints. If your dog is slowing down, it may not be because they are "just getting older." They may have arthritis. While 80% of dogs will show signs of OA by age 8, some dogs show signs as early as the age of one year. And just like in humans, there are ways to help relieve the symptoms if your dog has arthritis. Our dogs cannot tell us what hurts, so it is up to us to pay attention to the clues they may be giving us. We might see signs when the weather changes from one day to the next. They might move slower in the morning. There are clues, but do you know what to look for?

For the tell-tale signs, click here to take this short quiz.

Or click on the banner below!



These are a few of the big ideas on how you can be a Responsible Pet Owner. Do you have some additional ones? What does bring a Responsible Pet Owner mean to you? Feel free to comment on our Facebook page! Please post and share this article on the social media channels you frequent to let people know you are a Responsible Pet Parent!