This week, we’re all about cats! As we approach Halloween, there are many reasons to celebrate Cats. October 29 some may have celebrated National Cat Day. Or maybe on October 27, the celebration was on National Black Cat Day. You might be dressing up for a cat this Halloween. No matter what, we are excited about our felines this time of the year and here are some reasons why. Read on to find why we love them, why they are so clever and why they are sometimes feared (especially at this time of year). Plus, what you can do to celebrate your feline friend!
The founders of National Cat Day have many ways you can celebrate cats this week. Here are a few we liked.
At odds with most of us is cat’s aloof behavior. So often we don’t know what they are thinking. Are they in pain? Tired? Mad? Sad? Each of these facial expressions is virtually the same expression. Regular check-ups at the veterinary office is key to stay on top of your cat's health. It is much better to be ahead of the curve, instead of behind it.
Cats are also susceptible to arthritis, just as humans and dogs are. It is one of the biggest threats to your cat's mobility. Amazingly, 80% of cats will have arthritis affecting their mobility by age 5.
Cats are still kittens at heart. They do not want to be a lazy cat. Just think, if you take a vitamin daily, why wouldn’t your cat take one as well? Glyde™ Mobility Chews contains proven levels of three key components that work to relieve the painful signs of arthritis:
With Glyde™ Mobility Chews, your cat will start receiving much-needed benefits such as:
Let's first just acknowledge the fact that some are fearful of cats. How do we know this? If cats weren’t feared, there would be no such day as “Cat World Domination Day.” Even pet parents wonder what their cats are up to. How do we know? One of the most commonly Googled questions of 2019 is “How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you?”
Most believe the fear of cats, specifically black cats, has been around since the Middle Ages. Most credit the belief to when superstitions of the Puritan Pilgrims of Plymouth County were around. This group lived a strict Protestant lifestyle and were against those that did not hold their same beliefs. Since witchcraft was viewed as a group that worshiped the devil, the Puritans became fearful of all things linked to witches.
At that time, the legend was that witches could reincarnate themselves from black cat to black cat. Thus, these black cats were often thought of as the servant of witches. These two things combined made put witches and black cats together as something to be feared still to this day.
Interestingly, when Google recently released our “Most Googled Pet Questions,” the one top of the list for cat lovers was: “Is my cat plotting to kill me?” Which goes to show you how we recognize the million years of tiger instincts that have transformed into this sweet adorable cat now in cohabitation with us. That was illustrated in the hilarious “Allstate Mayhem” series of commercials, this one titled simply: “Cat.”
Really the joke’s on us to be afraid of cats. Why? Because they are afraid of cucumbers. It’s quite comical! Get ready for some laughs when you check out this video!!
We need cat costumes in our lives.
Here's one of our own Parnell's family cats, Samantha as a unicorn.
A couple on Amazon are just adorable!
Now that you know more about cats, be sure to celebrate them this week of Halloween. We all love how much they bring to our lives. Now is the time to celebrate them! And.... protect yourself from World Domination! But really, the best thing to do is give them the best life you can because they add so much to your life. And that's why we love our cats!