May is Arthritis Awareness Month

May 8, 2019

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According to the Arthritis Foundation, May is National Arthritis Awareness Month. There are some shocking facts about the impact of arthritis, such as:

  • 1 in 4 (approximately 54 million) US adults have arthritis
  • 24 million adults are limited in their activities
  • Almost 300,000 babies, kids and teens have arthritis, or a rheumatic condition
  • Adults with arthritis pain can improve function by about 40% by being physically active

While the national foundation does not include four-legged friends in the statistics, as the creator of Glyde™ Mobility Chews, our expertise is vast in the ability to fight the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. We have found there are some similarly shocking statistics:

  • 4 out of 5 dogs will have arthritis by age 8
  • 1 out of 5 dogs will have arthritis by age 1
  • Dogs can reduce their symptoms of arthritis by maintaining daily activity and incorporating a joint supplement into their diet

What can you do?

Learn more about arthritis. If you know someone that is impacted by the disease, learn how to help. To relieve the symptoms, start by staying active and eating healthy. While the once the effects of the disease take hold, it cannot be cured. However, you can treat the symptoms.

Learn more about arthritis in dogs, which are like humans in this respect. While the signs of arthritis cannot be reversed once they start, there are things you can do to relieve the symptoms. Glyde® Mobility Chews includes the same ingredients what has worked for humans. There are many things that make this product different. The key levels of known ingredients that help fight the signs of arthritis in dogs are chondroitin, glucosamine and Green Lipped Mussel (GLM) from the shores of New Zealand. There are other ingredients that can help as well. The key is to do the research and find what works for you.   


Do you know if your dog has arthritis? Here is a quick and easy quiz to get personalized results on your own dog when you answer just a few questions.

Could my dog have arthritis? Take the quiz!

Your veterinary clinic is also the best resource for information on arthritis in dogs. Let your veterinarian know the results of your quiz. Or ask if they suspect your dog has arthritis based on what you are seeing at home.

Ready to learn more? Check out our new e-book: “Arthritis in Dogs: A Guide for Pet Parents.” It’s chock-full of all the information you need to know about the topic and a real-life story you may relate to.

No matter what, make a promise to yourself that you and your dog will stay active and get the exercise you need, along with making great diet choices to combat arthritis for as long as possible. It’s never to early to start improving your health or that of your dog’s. Remember your dog can’t talk so be looking for those signs of arthritis in dogs. While you can’t change the effects, you can relieve the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. If you are noticing signs of arthritis in yourself or your dog, be sure to find out more and work to combat these signs of aging for a better life as we all age.


Get Your Arthritis in Dogs eBook