Peanut's Back Surgery

February 27, 2018

Rose-Gates_Peanut_Photo-web.jpgThere is more good news about our #GlydeDogs. Meet Peanut, an adorable dog whose pet parent, Rose, tried many different medications to help. When she found Glyde, there was no turning back. Here is what she said: 

"Peanut had back surgery a couple of years ago for IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease). We put him on Glyde and his mobility has definitely improved! He plays with our other dogs like he used to do. He climbs stairs again and enjoys his walks around the block. We have our loveable dog back and couldn't be happier! In fact, we have discontinued all pain meds. He thinks Glyde is a yummy treat and we love what it has done for him!"

- Rose

Glyde Can Work for Your Dog Too!